Volume 10, Issue 37 (Fall 2021 2021)                   serd 2021, 10(37): 21-40 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghadiri Masom M, Khorasani M A, Torkashvand Z, Amidi S. Identifying and Prioritizing the Drivers for Entrepreneurship Development in Rural Areas of Iran. serd 2021; 10 (37) :21-40
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3732-en.html
1- Professor of Geography & Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. , mghadiri@ut.ac.ir
2- Professor of Human Geography, Department of Human Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3- PhD student in Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (4558 Views)
Entrepreneurship as a strategy in the development, prosperity and growth of human societies has been an invaluable mechanism through which all the factors, resources and facilities of a society are mobilized in a spontaneous and evolutionary fashion, which is the source of many positive economic and social effects and consequences. Knowing about the driving forces of rural entrepreneurship development are crucial. The development of rural entrepreneurship depends on some drivers such as appropriate infrastructure, environmental conditions, social cohesion and solidarity of entrepreneurs in different stages from production to supplement, quality of institutional services, supportive laws and policies and individual and behavioral characteristics of entrepreneurs. Despite the necessity of these drivers, the level of priority and significance are not the same, hence some of them will be mandatory and others might be complementary in the entrepreneurial process. This study seeks to identify the most important drivers of entrepreneurship development in rural areas of Iran by a systematic review of scientific publication in recent years, and prioritize these drivers based on their significance.

This study is applied in terms of purpose, and descriptive-analytical in terms of content. In this study, meta-analysis method was used to identify the drivers of entrepreneurship development in rural areas of Iran. 50 published papers in national and international scientific research journals until March 2018 were used to identify the drivers of entrepreneurship development.  The main topic of these papers was entrepreneurship in rural areas of Iran. We implemented Q method for extracting and summarizing the most important factors of rural entrepreneurship. To this end, this study selected 38 Q statements as the Q sample. For sorting Q categories using purposive sampling method, 30 individuals familiar with rural entrepreneurship were selected as participants. Finally, factor analysis method in SPSS software was utilized to identify and prioritize the most important drivers of rural entrepreneurship.

Discussion and conclusion
Findings of the meta-analysis from the review of sources indicate that among the conducted studies, behavioral, educational and technological, supportive, economic, social, and environmental and infrastructure drivers are among the most important drivers of rural entrepreneurship development.  Based on the findings of the Q method, which prioritized the most important drivers of rural entrepreneurship, the discourse analysis and the participants' mental pattern highlighted the behavioral drivers. Behavioral drivers consist of ability to endure difficult and stressful situations, strengthen the self-confidence, problem solving skills, discipline at working, acknowledging opportunities and be risk-taking.  For educational drivers, the participants prioritized adequate access to information channels and resources, investment in research and development to increase productivity, and taking entrepreneurship training courses. For economic drivers, the respondents underscored the access to seed money, granting low-interest loans and tax deduction in creating new production units. On supportive drivers, the priority was for transparent economic and tax rules and household support. The expansion of platforms and infrastructure (road, electricity, telephone, Internet, etc.) was the most important condition for infrastructure drivers. As a result, in order to develop rural entrepreneurship, in addition to these drivers, it is necessary to consider issues such as establishing rural incubators and think tanks, establishing rural development councils and entrepreneurship parks, and providing basic infrastructure for policy makers and planners.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/12/15 | Accepted: 2021/12/1

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