Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)                   serd 2014, 3(8): 87-105 | Back to browse issues page

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Sojassi Gheydari H, Rumiyani A, Sanei S. The assessment and explanation of rural industries function regarding development process Case: Saein Ghaleh district in Abhar County. serd 2014; 3 (8) :87-105
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2015-en.html
1- Assistant Prof. of Geography Department of Ferdowsi Mashhad University, Iran , ssojasi@yahoo.com
2- Ph.D. student of Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi Mashhad University, Iran
3- M.Sc. in Geography and Rural Planning, P.N.U, Orumeyeh, Iran
Abstract:   (8560 Views)
Industry is being considered as major economic element in any area. This in turn, is associated with prominent economic variables including production, employment and investment. It performs considerable role regarding environmental and social changes. More specifically, rural industries are responsible for provision of job-opportunities, prevention of rural-urban migrations, increase in economic productivity level, economic variation, and decentralization, and resource optimization. This means that rural industries are the major indicator of development level. It is argued that the assessment of rural industrial functions and consequences could assist the planners regarding the achievement of industrial sustainability in rural area. The major objective of this study is to assess and explain the rural industrial function taking into consideration sustainable development approach in Saein Ghaleh district located in Abhar. The nature of this study represents applied character. The research method is based on descriptiveanalytical one. It follows by field work and documentation survey. The sampling size using Cochran’s formula determined to be 104 households. This study suggests that there exist significant influences regarding rural industries and their corresponding economic, social, cultural and physical dimensions. Relative impacts of the industries upon rural development show high score regarding economic and environmental dimensions as opposed to physical dimension. Multiple regression analysis represents that economic dimension possess the highest score and value. Prioritizing of the rural area using victor model show that Chergar village possesses the highest score as opposed to SarveJahan.
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Type of Study: Research |
Accepted: 2016/11/30

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