Volume 11, Issue 41 (Fall 2022 2022)                   serd 2022, 11(41): 41-56 | Back to browse issues page

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Vashghani-Farahani R, Abbasi Semnani A, Asadian F. Evaluating the role of indigenous knowledge in the economic stability of rural areas (Case: Fermehin Farahan). serd 2022; 11 (41) :41-56
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3863-en.html
1- PhD student in Geography and Rural Planning, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Farabi University, Tehran, Iran. , a.abbasi1353@gmail.com
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (3261 Views)
Increasing dependence on official knowledge of imported technologies and lack of attention to local knowledge and skills have caused a lack of success in improving the situation of rural society and the failure of development programs in villages. Looking at rural development and adopted strategies shows that a systematic and integrated approach must be included in most views and methods. Therefore, in this regard, we are taking a step in the direction of economic development by taking into account the spatial and temporal conditions of the village, using local knowledge to increase agricultural productivity, provide basic needs, protect natural areas, increase the population in the village to achieve the process of economic stability. In this regard, achieving economic sustainability requires a change of perspective and attitude toward indigenous knowledge and giving importance to it because the knowledge that villagers have acquired through practical experience of agriculture, animal husbandry, etc., is qualitatively different from the knowledge obtained from the official tests of researchers and experts. Being local is considered a basis for a scientific, efficient and successful foundation in achieving economic stability. Farmahin Farahan region has emerged from the union of two villages, Farmahin and Shahabadi, where most of the population is farmers and herders. Therefore, this region has a good background in using local knowledge in agriculture, animal husbandry, handicrafts, etc. However, the mentioned process has decreased in recent years with the replacement of new knowledge and related technologies. In this regard, the current research seeks to find out whether indigenous knowledge is effective in the economic sustainability of Farmahin Farahan. This paper, with the approach of economic sustainability, based on the development of local knowledge, has tried to study the visible and hidden layers of local knowledge in the Farmahin rural area and acknowledge that if we distance ourselves from the traditional rural knowledge and approach and use new ways of decision-making and planning methods, Farmahin Farahan region will move towards economic instability.

The current research, in terms of its purpose, is applied and has an analytical nature, and in terms of its method, it is in the quantitative research group. SPSS software and integrated models (FKOPRAS+FSORA) were used for data analysis. The statistical population of the research includes two groups (rural residents and knowledgeable and informed people), which was determined based on a random sampling of 200 people (village residents of Farmahin), and also based on a targeted sampling of 20 people. First, the knowledgeable and informed (village council members and rural mayors) were determined.

Discussion and conclusion
The results showed that among the components of indigenous knowledge, only the components of capabilities and people's knowledge, with an average value of 3.38 and 3.01, with an average value higher than the average number (3), are favorable for evaluation. In other components, including participation with an average value of 1.58, life promotion with an average value of 2.45, monitoring with an average value of 2.62, social with an average value of 2.02, economic with an average value of 2.16, low It is more than the average number (3). As a result, these components are not in a favorable condition. Also, the results showed that the level of economic stability in Farmahin with the average value obtained (lower than the average number of 3), with a significance level of 0.000, has been evaluated as low and unfavorable, in this regard, despite the average lower than average levels in the components of local knowledge and sustainability, this local knowledge has had a significant impact on the economic stability of the rural area of ​​Farmahin, which, if strengthened and motivated to utilize and combine it with modern knowledge, can to have a greater impact on the economic development of the region, So that according to the obtained results, the contribution of the participation component in predicting positive changes of the economic stability variable was higher than other local knowledge components, and also the people's knowledge component has the most direct effects on the economic stability of this region. Also, the results showed that, among the economic indicators, employment and income, with a score of 70.14, have the highest impact on indigenous knowledge in Farmahin. Finally, the results of the research are in agreement with the studies of Alayei and Karimian (2013), that in rural development with emphasis on local knowledge, the role and place of participation of villagers have not been considered, and with the study of Bazarafshan et al. (2015). It is consistent with the fact that there is a meaningful relationship between indigenous knowledge and sustainable economic development. However, it does not agree with the study of Sadeghlou and Azizi Demirchilo (2014), stating that indigenous knowledge has little effect on the components of economic development.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/12/12 | Accepted: 2022/12/1

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