1- Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2- PhD in Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. , Aziziut58@gmail.com
3- Master of Geography and Rural Planning, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.
Abstract: (3542 Views)
In recent years, we have seen an increase in population and the growth of migrations towards villages around Tehran. The reverse migration towards the suburban villages of Tehran can create a balancing mechanism for the migration of the accumulated labor force. This will require the improvement of the agricultural land and the creation of a social and economic environment for rural dwellers, so it can be reasonable for rural youth to stay in their homeland and make a living.
Therefore, the current research first investigates the indicators of economic stability related to migration, which are income, capital, production, reducing the motivation to work in the agricultural sector, employment, diversification of the rural economy, and then evaluates the effects of migration on these indicators in the studied villages. Understanding the consequences of migration with the aim of limiting its negative effects can help villages with similar conditions. Because of the importance of the issue, especially in metropolitan areas and the necessity of studying it, the current research is based on this central question: "What results and consequences have the arrival of newcomers had in the economic dimension of the villages?
The research method in this study is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. 360 households out of 9591 households were determined as the sample size based on the Cochran formula. In the qualitative part of the research, using a targeted sampling method, the sample size was 36 people who were interviewed.
Discussion and conclusion
The findings of the research showed that the production indicator with an average of 2.2 and the employment indicator with an average of 4.13 received the highest and lowest impact from employment, respectively. Also, the results of the qualitative findings showed that the low impact of migration on creating employment is compensated by daily trips for work and activities outside the village. The amount of income from the point of view of local residents has been assessed as high and moderate, which is the reason that the local elites mentioned that new sources of income had been created for local residents. It should also be noted that the impact of immigration on capital was evaluated as moderate and low because the arrival of newcomers has led to the capitalization of land and housing, a process that has a negative effect on production due to land use change. For this reason, the production indicator has been affected by migration more than other indicators. The reduction in the amount of production and the variety of products in the villages is actually a decrease in agricultural activities and rurality in the villages around Tehran.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2021/12/11 | Accepted: 2022/04/8